
Scarborough Tries To Defend John Ensign And Fails

With an ethics probe and calls for resignation mounting against John Ensign, the embattled Senator has one friend willing to lie for him – Joe Scarborough. This morning while discussing the ongoing trouble for Ensign, Scarborough asked if anyone called for John Edwards to resign when his affair came out.

Wait! Edwards resign?

Joe apparently forgot, or hoped his viewers did that John Edwards had nothing to resign from. When his affair broke Edwards presidential run was already over and he held no public office. What does Joe expect Edwards to resign from?

And let’s talk about reactions from scandal embroiled politicians on the left and right. On the left you have Eliot Spitzer, John Edwards and Eric Massa. Where are all of them in politics today? That’s right – they are out. Edwards was already out and Spitzer and Massa resigned.

On the right we have John Ensign, Mark Sanford and David Vitter. What are they up to now? Yup – still holding office. As matter of fact when someone talks about how these people should resign, then you end up with the Joe Scarboroughs out there defending them.

I’m not one who thinks politicians should have to resign from office when they have affairs. It really should be a private matter, but it was the Republicans who chose to make the sex life of our elected leaders a public issue. And it was Republicans who constantly tried to act like they held the morale high ground in American politics. Now that the Republicans have this taint called FoleyCraigVitterSanfordEnsignGingrich, they try and say that the sex lives of politicians should be a private matter. Sorry guys – you opened up this Pandora’s Box in the 90’s and you don’t get to chose when it will be closed.

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