
Did 8 Members Of The House Try To Sell Their Votes On Financial Regulation Reform?


That’s what The Office of Congressional Ethics is looking into:

The Office of Congressional Ethics is investigating eight lawmakers who held fundraisers within 48 hours of a major House vote on a Wall Street reform bill or received substantial donations from business people with a financial stake in the bill, according to congressional sources and letters.

The probe is focused on whether the timing of accepting the campaign checks created an unacceptable appearance of a conflict, according to sources familiar with the investigation and letters sent by the OCE to lobbyists requesting information. The OCE’s spokesman declined to comment for this article, citing the ongoing nature of the investigation.

The office is scrutinizing five Republicans and three Democrats, a diverse group that includes a conservative, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Tex.), and a liberal member of the Congressional Black Caucus, Rep. Melvin Watt (D-N.C.).

The other members under investigation are:

Of course if these people are proven to have done wrong their punishment will be a stern wag of the finger. The problem with Congress is a lack of discipline and the fact that the Congress makes their own rules and punishment. It’s time that new rules get put in place, like a rule saying if you use your office for personal gain then you face suspension or expulsion.

Until we get real reform of the rules our leaders have to follow, we will continue to be plagued by scandals like this. The saddest part is that a majority of these members constituents will never know what happened.

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