
More On Wingnutty Crapspiracy Theories

TPM brings us another epoisode of the crazies talking out the wrong orifice:

Ed Martin, a Republican candidate for Congress in Missouri, said in a radio interview with a conservative talk show host that President Obama and Rep. Russ Carnahan are trying to interfere with America’s freedom to worship. Martin also has taken a swipe at Carnahan’s sister Robin Carnahan, suggesting she is doing the “devil’s work” as Secretary of State.

Martin said today the growth of government endangers religious freedom and the “ultimate freedom … to get your salvation.” “And I think that’s one of the things that we have to be very, very aware of that the Obama Administration and Congressman Carnahan are doing to us,” Martin said during an interview on the “Dr. Gina show.”

I would love to see what evidence he has of this, as I’m sure it’s every bit as crazy this whole notion that “Obama is taking away our religious freedom”.

Just take a look at the 2008 election. We had something happen that used to be a big no-no in the churches – they got involved in politics. There were countless cases of churches telling their members “don’t come back if you vote for Obama”, yet they still maintain their tax exempt status and nothing was ever done. I would say that proves religious freedom is greater instead of more restricted.

Then we have another case of a sitting U.S. Senator embracing the crazy. Here’s David “diapers” Vitter giving his validity to the birthers:

I guess the old GOP platform of “tort reform” is out the window and being replaced by supporting the nut-jobs.

Crapsiracy theories are alive and well in the GOP and they are fueling even the candidates. Is this really the kind of leadership we want for America? I don’t know about you, these kind of people care the living hell out of me. Joe McCarthy’s craziness is still alive and well in his party.

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