
The Conspiracy Well

Since the oil started flowing 83+ days ago there have been those on the right floating conspiracy theories. They range from “Liberals blew up the well” to “Obama doesn’t want to stop it quick so it looks bad”. Well now we have one of these claims coming from an actual GOP member of Congress. Here’s Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA) making the later claim:

Transcript via Think Progress:

BROUN: Our President he is utilizing this crisis of this oil spill to try to promote this energy tax. And I’ve had numerous people, all over the district, question whether his poor response to this oil spill was purposeful so that he could promote his energy tax. I don’t know, maybe.

I remember when the truthers started showing up on the scene and the right going after the “loony left” for their conspiracy theories. Of course that whole argument was dealt a serious blow in 2008 when the truthers then became the birthers. They aren’t liberals, but rather very misinformed individuals living in a Dale Gribble world.

But the fact that we have actual Republican lawmakers out there making the most absurd of claims like this proves the real loonies lie on the right of the political spectrum.

Think back to the haydays of the truther movement. Whenever one of these whack-jobs would confront a Democratic member of Congress and insinuate that 9/11 was an inside job, that lawmaker would quickly shoot them down. They didn’t play around. Instead Democrats would quickly dismiss the silly notion.

Now fast forward to now. When some rightwing crazy floats a crapspiracy theory to some Republican member of Congress, that leader goes with it. They start backing up the claims and acting like there is merit to it.

You can actually trace this all back to a starting point. It was in the late summer/early fall of 2008, when Sarah Palin would have her campaign rallies and give validity to any crazy thing yelled from the masses. Since those days we have scene it more and more. Republican lawmakers have said President Obama is a Muslim terrorist that has infiltrated us, or that he isn’t even a citizen of this country.

Idiots like Paul Broun are a threat to this country. They are tearing us apart from the inside and contributing to a dysfunctional government, which affects us all. On top of that, they are flat our cowards. They go out and stoke these lunatic ideas and are afraid to admit that their bigger agenda is nothing more than getting re-elected – at any cost. Paul Broun doesn’t care about America. He only cares about Paul Broun, and his actions have proven that.

So to Paul Broun, I give you a big “go Cheney yourself”. You really are one of the lowest, bottom feeding scum in the already scummy world of politics. How’s if feel at the bottom of the barrel?

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