
DUHHHHH…Shouldn't This Already Be A Law?

And why is the administration just “considering” it:

Targeting distractions behind the wheel, the Obama administration proposed Tuesday to bar truck drivers from sending text messages while hauling hazardous materials.

The requirements would complement separate rules being finalized by the Transportation Department that prohibit commercial bus and truck drivers from sending text messages on the job and restrict train operators from using cell phones and mobile devices on duty.

As I hear about all these proposed “texting while driving” bans, I remember back to the early 90s when I got my first cell phone. In the time of big bag phones, I had to sign a piece of paper acknowledging a state law, which stated “you shall have both hands on the steering wheel while operating a motor vehicle”. It’s a common sense law that should be enforced, and it should be adopted nationally. I don’t care if you are busy finding a different radio station, putting the makeup on, shaving, texting, etc. – if you are seen operating a motor vehicle and not paying attention then you need to be pulled over and fined. It’s that simple.

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