
From Your “Liberal” Newsweek

George Will has bestowed upon himself the duty to name America’s “worst politician”, and declares Alan Grayson the winner:

There are hundreds of plausible nominees for the title of America’s Second-Smarmiest Politician, but surely the top spot is un-contested. Americans of all political persuasions can come together in affirming one proposition: Public life would be improved by scrubbing Rep. Alan Grayson from it. This act of civic hygiene probably will be performed Nov. 2 by voters of Florida’s Eighth Congressional District. Polls indicate that a majority of them plan to deny Grayson, 52, a second term by electing his resonantly named opponent, Daniel Webster.

Grayson, never missing an opportunity to live down to his reputation, ridicules Webster’s “18th-century name.” Given Grayson’s relentless advertising of his intellectual shortcomings, it is surprising that he recognizes the name.

I’ll admit that Grayson does go over the top in the rhetoric against his opponents at time, but to be labeled the “worst politician” – really? He is worse than Stephen Broden who thinks a violent overthrow of the U.S. government should be on the table?

I have to think that George Will is the worst columnist in America and one that uses his pen to push intellectual dishonesty.

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