
More Change Has Come!


For the past couple of weeks Matt Drudge has become mister outspoken advocate of privacy, going after the TSA for the full body scanners and pat downs at airports. Today he decided to post this headline:

What’s really interesting about this is how the right were the big defenders of these techniques prior to January 20, 2009. As soon as Bush left office the right becomes the big privacy concern trolls.

And if that doesn’t make you wonder enough, it turns out that picture Drudge is pushing is actually from 2007:

Only problem: if the terrorists did win, it happened in September 2007 — when this picture was taken by Dean Shaddock and posted at Flickr.

I remembered this because I posted the image at LGF in 2007, and titled it “Homeland Absurdity.”

Keep up the great work Matt! You’re really showing the whole world your hypocrisy.

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