
Do You Have Broadband Internet? Think Again…

A new report [pdf] by the FCC gives a real wake-up call to U.S. internet customers:

A recent report by the FCC shows that more than two-thirds of so-called broadband internet connections in the U.S. don’t actually meet the minimum speed requirements of 4Mbps downtream and 1Mbps upstream to be considered broadband.

In real terms, this means that over 90 million people in the US are linked up with substandard broadband service. Furthermore, 56% of those connections didn’t even reach downstream speeds above 3Mbps. DSL Reports believes it has something to do with the lack of competition among broadband providers, allowing them to cruise by without upgrading their networks.

Likewise we pay a lot more in the U.S. for our internet than other developed nations. Now do you feel like your getting it in the rear from the telecom giants?

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