
Anonymous Leaks Internal Bank Of America Emails

Even with Julian Assange in a massive legal fight, his work carries on. Now the group Anonymous has released a large batch of Bank of America emails, with this potentially explosive information:

The documents indicate that Bank of America improperly foreclosed on several homes during the height of the financial crisis in 2008 that began one of the worst recessions since the great depression. The report came from a former employee with Balboa Insurance — a risk management and insurance firm. The employee reportedlycorresponded with Bank of America employees and was told to falsify loan numbers on documents to force Bank of America to foreclose on homeowners.

The site hosting the documents has been reported to be down since releasing them and is most likely caused by a traffic overload. None the less, the internal communications of the nation’s largest bank should provide some great insight into how they were screwing people over during the financial crisis. I wonder if the Republican controlled House will take notice and hold hearings?

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