
McRecovery Or McPain?

One of the big economic headlines today is this:

McDonald’s aims to fill 50,000 jobs in a day

That’s right – with billions and billions served, the fast food king needs more people to slop out the burgers.

In all honesty, this is a really depressing headline. I’m sure a large number of those applicants will be people who used to make a far cry better than minimum wage. Even worse is the fact that most of these jobs are temporary, just for the summer months.

I also wonder what this says for the state of our nation’s health? People are struggling to survive right now, so going out no longer means a healthier restaurant, instead settling for the cheaper, less healthy fast food alternative. And as more people have to settle for the low wages of working in places like McDonald’s, more people will have to settle on McDonald’s as their night out for dining. That vicious cycle has just revealed it’s nasty little head and it is ugly!

I don’t know about you, but I sure am not loving this news.

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