
Court Blocks Mo. Law, Calling It A “Chilling Effect On Freedom Of Speech”

The new Missouri law banning teachers from interacting with current and former students on social networking sites has been blocked by a court today. The law is supposed to go into effect on Monday. Here is a copy of the injunction:


The judge, Joe Beetem, had some very strong words against the new law and concluded that the wording in it would even bar teachers from interacting with their own children on social networking sites:

It clearly prohibits communication between family members and their teacher parents using these types of sites. The Court finds that the statue would have a chilling effect on speech.

That is some very harsh wording and shows that this has become the latest in an ever growing mountain of evidence of our politicians ignoring our Constitution and common sense in an attempt to over reach the long arm of the law. It’s not a problem of the right or left, as the legislation was sponsored by a Republican and signed by a Democratic governor, but rather an American problem and a problem that must be addressed. The simple fact that such a law would be authored, passed and signed into law should be indicative of lawmakers who disregard their oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States. It’s also the latest in a war against the front line of our future. That would be teachers, who are the ones that influence our future leaders. Has our country become so broken that we can not even realize that? Apparently so.

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