
Massive New Scandal That Could End Obama

We need impeachment hearings NOW!

This morning, Fox & Friends joined the New York Post in attacking President Obama for using a paper clip. Read that again: They attacked Obama for using a paper clip.

The Post‘s story today on Obama’s jobs bill is headlined “O gives jobs ‘clip’ service; $447B ‘tax hike’ plan bound by chintzy fastener,” and its first two paragraphs attack Obama for his choice of document fasteners:

How dare that anti-American, mooslim, socialist traitor use a paper clip! He should have gone the much more costly route of having the bill professionally bound. I guess that’s what the right considers “cutting government waste”, instead of spending a few cents on a paper clip, you should spend a couple of bucks on binding.

This really serves as a reminder of how hated President Obama is by the right, including their media outlets. It’s like “feet on the desk gate” all over again. Remember that? How dare President Obama put his feet on the desk in the Oval Office, even though every other President had done the same thing before.

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