
Why Does The Tea Party Hate Jesus?

Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.

-Matthew 10:8

During last night’s GOP/Tea Party debate on CNN, Wolf Blitzer asked Ron Paul if under his America would a sick man without insurance be allowed to die instead of receiving care. Before Paul could even answer, the Tea Partiers started chanting “yes”. Here’s the video caught by TPM:

It really hurts my brain to think about these people and how they go out and act like the righteous when it comes to religion, yet they ignore the most basically preaching’s of God and Jesus. It also makes me want to break things when I think about these hypocrites. These are the same people that sat in town halls a couple of years ago telling politicians that the government better not touch their Medicare. These people believe that they are the ones entitled, but no one else.

But it doesn’t stop there. There is something even more amazing about this despicable scene of so-called Christians and Americans. It’s the fact that no one knows how this man may have become uninsured. They automatically assume that it is some deadbeat who would rather sit around and drink all day, watching TV instead of contributing to society. There are millions of Americans right now who have lost their job due to our dying economy. These are people who held down jobs all their lives then saw their company close or downsize. Suddenly they are out of work and can’t find a job. At the same time they have to make a choice – eat or continue paying outrageous prices for insurance. In other words, this could be anyone of those people out there chanting for the death of this fictional character. Tea Partiers are unable to think beyond sound bites and their own needs. They are the most demented part of our society and nothing but a cancer upon the American way.

Luckily America is waking up to the terroristic mindset that is the Tea Party and we are seeing their popularity sink to John Boehner levels in the polls. They are nothing but frauds and must be treated that way. If only we can get the media to do so.

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