
A Big Shoe Just Dropped On Herman Cain

Herman Cain’s interview on Libya today has become rather big news. It’s not just the left that has been blasting him, but also the right. Now the big shoe has dropped. An email just sent out by Tea Party Nation Founder, Judson Phillips, has this to say (registration required):

I was wrong about Herman Cain.

I said originally that Cain could stay on message better than almost any other candidate. His 9-9-9 plan was all he would talk about and I attributed that to good messaging on his part.

I was wrong.

It is not messaging. Cain cannot talk about anything else.

Tonight there is a video from the Journal Sentinel online that show an interview with Herman Cain. Forget the sexual harassment allegations. Forget Mark Block’s gross incompetence. Herman Cain needs to leave the race because he is not qualified to be President.

The video is painful to watch. It is obvious Cain is in over his head and simply clueless.

And this man wants to be the Commander in Chief making decisions?

Candidates have something called briefing books. These are prepared by staffers and contain, among other things, topics candidates are expected to have at least a passing knowledge of. Cain may not be expected to know the name of the President of Montenegro or the Prime Minister of Moldavia, but Libya is a question that will obviously come up

Watching Herman Cain stumble around looking for an answer is beyond painful. He looks to the ceiling, desperately seeking an answer. He responds in vague talking points.

Unfortunately for Herman Cain, Ron Paul was not there to throw him a lifeline.

What this shows more than anything is a stunning lack of preparation by not only the campaign staff, but by Herman Cain. This was not even a semi obscure question like what should American policy be towards Sri Lanka.

In the debate last Saturday night, Herman Cain’s foreign policy philosophy seemed to be, ‘I’ll surround my self with people who have a clue because I do not.’

Earth to Herman Cain. You cannot subcontract out the duties of President.

This is not deciding whether you will sign a ceremonial proclamation for national railroad month.

Newt Gingrich would have had no problem with this. Neither would Michele Bachman, or Ron Paul or Rick Santorum or even Mitt Romney or Jon Huntsman.

Herman Cain has some very dedicated supporters. A few days ago, when I came out saying he should leave the race, they expressed their displeasure towards me in no uncertain terms.

To the Cain supporters, I simply say watch this video and ask yourself, “Is this the man you want answering the red phone in the White House at 3 AM?”

Totally amazing! This will be a big blow to whatever ambitions might remain for Cain and his run for the White House. Now the death watch starts to the actual end of his campaign. Until then, grab the popcorn and enjoy the comedy show!

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