
The GOP's Sickening Use Of Rape

It takes a very sick and demented individual to think of rape as a tool for jokes or insults, but that’s exactly what the GOP does over and over again. The latest example was last weekend at CPAC when drunken fat fuck Andrew Breitbart decided to call a bunch of occupiers ‘rapists’. Last night Keith Olbermann decided to take him on:

Raw Story adds this part to the story:

After DailyKos founder Markos Moulitsas appeared on Olbermann’s show on Tuesday and accused Breitbart of “mak[ing] stuff up,” Lee Stranahan of Big Journalism demanded an on-air retraction and apology. He cited a list of 17 news stories of rape and other sexual crimes at “Occupy” protests.

But Olbermann said that list include some stories twice and could not be attributed to the “Occupy Wall Street” movement. In four of the stories, he noted, neither the victim nor the assailant were even associated with the protest. In seven other stories, the protesters were the victims, not the assailants.

These assholes are taking one of the most horrendous crimes and using them as a political tool. Welcome to being in the same mentality as terrorists, you pricks! There is a very, very cold place in hell for monsters like you.

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