
How Dare Cher!

Today Cher made a comment about the tragedy in Colorado:

Both President Obama and Republican White House hopeful Mitt Romney addressed the tragic Colorado movie theater shooting on Friday. Comparing their responses, Cher – who has already made her feelings about Romney quite clear – implied that Obama’s speech was more sincere.

“OBAMA! 2day He talked bout his Great Sadness off top oh his head! Romney needed 2 READ Cards 2 tell how SAD he was,” she wrote on Twitter.

I’m not all into the politicizing of what happened and really don’t think her comments helped anything, but check out how one right-wing blog is covering it:

Now I can understand the criticism IF it wasn’t for the fact that this very blogger has posted over 40 times about Obama using a teleprompter. 40 TIMES!

Either “zip” is a 100% total hypocrite or he is functioning on zero brain cells. Either way, this is a voice that powers the right online and reading the comments they are all buying into it big time.

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