
Drudge Goes Holy War!

Here’s what you see right now on Drudge:

Get that? The feds are going after a Christian! Talk about bullshit headlines, this one takes the cake.

As you can guess, the filmmaker Drudge is talking about is the one behind that anti-Islam movie that has sparked all the outrage. Here’s what the article says:

A Southern California filmmaker linked to an anti-Islamic movie inflaming protests across the Middle East was interviewed by federal probation officers at a Los Angeles sheriff’s station but was not arrested or detained, authorities said early Saturday.

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, was interviewed at the station in his hometown of Cerritos, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputy Don Walker said.

Federal officials have said they were investigating the activities of Nakoula, who has been convicted of financial crimes. If the probation department determines Nakoula violated terms of his release, a judge could send him back to prison.

Walker said Nakoula traveled voluntarily in a squad car with deputies.

But why are the feds involved?

Is it Obama trying to squash the Christians?


The probation department is reviewing the case of Nakoula, who was previously convicted on bank fraud charges and was banned from using computers or the Internet as part of his sentence. The review is aimed at learning whether Nakoula violated the terms of his five-year probation.

Karen Redmond, a spokeswoman for the administrative office of the U.S. courts, confirmed Friday the review is under way.

The guy is a convicted criminal, and as we know rights are taken away when you are a criminal. This isn’t the “feds” as in the administration investigating him. This is the courts investigating a possible probation violation.

It also turns out that fraud isn’t the only thing he was been convicted of:

Nakoula Basseley Nakoula, 55, has convictions for possessing drugs used to make methamphetamine and bank fraud, a declaration of bankruptcy, demands for unpaid tax bills, and a byzantine network of at least 17 aliases including “Kritbag Difrat” and “PJ Tobacco.”

Yeah, we now got the right trying to protect a meth maker. Now that is some family and Christian values there!

But it goes further than the convictions. We are currently still involved in a “war on terror” and a war in a Muslim nation. This film was made to spark outrage in a nation our military is currently active in.

This film was made to get this kind of response, that puts our troops in even more harms way.

That right there is the real crime! This film was made to become a propaganda tool for the extremists, like al Qaeda. This is about as close to treason as one can get.

But don’t let the right here that. They want you to think that Obama is going after some “good Christian”. And by “good Christian”, I mean a meth-making, credit card fraud, troop endangering asshole.

So go ahead Drudge and turn this into some “holy war” type thing. Hell, turn it into a “first amendment” type thing. Let the American people find out the man you are protecting and what he is doing to harm America. It will just show the people which side is for America and which side is against it.

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