
RNC Wants To Use Lewinsky? Let Them!

RNC Wants To Use Lewinsky? Let Them!

Yesterday on Andrea Mitchell, RNC chairman, Reince Priebus was asked about Rand Paul going after Hillary Clinton for Bill’s affair. In response, Priebus proudly proclaimed, “I don’t see how someone just gets a free pass on anything.” Ok, I tend to agree with that, except Clinton has had anything but a “free pass”. The whole thing was investigated by Congress and lead to his impeachment by the House. He also lost his law license for several years and the media covered the story 24/7. So he has had no pass and it sure wasn’t free.

But I think this is a great issue for Hillary. Let’s get it out there and show just how closed minded, sexist and hypocritical the GOP is. Let me address each of those items.

Closed Minded

The GOP still wants to believe that America hates Bill Clinton. They spent most of the Bush years blaming everything that went wrong on his predecessor, starting with 9/11. They can not accept the fact that as the GOP continued their persecution of Clinton, his approval rating continued to sky rocket. In the end Bill Clinton was one of the most loved Presidents in the history of our nation.


Rand Paul is really twisting the story of what happened. He wants to take a mutual sexual encounter, that also crossed into sexual harassment by simple definition and turn it into something that wasn’t. He wants us to believe Lewinsky was a woman and by her very nature incapable of saying “no”. But that wasn’t the case and it perfectly highlights the GOPs woman problem. 

But it doesn’t stop there. If you think about Paul’s attack on this, he also contradicts that point by claiming that Hillary is guilty in what happened because she somehow let her husband do it. As anyone who has been in a marriage that involves an affair knows, that is never the case. 


This is a bigger one that I haven’t heard discussed much. I wonder what Rand Paul thinks about his colleague David Vitter? When Vitter was found to have been in the DC Madam’s callbook, he did that big press conference apologizing with his wife by her side. To the GOP that meant no one should talk about it again. After all, he apologized and his wife forgave him, all while being a sitting U.S. Senator. Rewind to the 90s and the same thing happened with the Clintons. He admitted it, apologized and Hillary forgave him. So shouldn’t the same apply to them as applied to Vitter? Actually, shouldn’t it apply more so, considering the right is the party always preaching to us about “family values”?

If you consider these three points, then quickly you can start seeing how this entire thing will blowup in the face of the GOP. It’s started early enough for Hillary to really address the situation in good old Clinton fashion, something that has always been a winner, plus it gives ample time to fire back not only on Rand Paul, but the GOP as a whole for these three items I brought up.

So bring it on GOP. You may think you are doing yourself a favor, but in reality you are proving to America, and especially women that you haven’t evolved on the issue at all.

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