
Another Bullet to the Smoking Gun

The AP has just

that a former Bolton Deputy released information regarding Bolton’s
actions as undersecretary of state to disrupt weapons inspections in Iraq.

In 2002 John Bolton flew to Europe to confront and demand the resignation of
Jose Bustani, the head of a global arms-control agency. After that Mr. Bolton
then orchestrated the firing of Mr. Bustani, an action that a UN tribunal later
deemed as unlawful.

The former deputy says that Mr. Bolton’s desire to have Bustani removed was
in part due to the fact that Mr. Bustani was working to get chemical inspectors
into Iraq. This move would have been another chance to diplomatically handle
Iraq, and further curtail the chance of going to war.

This is coming out a little over a month after the Downing Street Memo was
first published. This adds another bullet to the smoking gun of evidence that
keeps piling up showing the President had no intention of peacefully dealing
with Iraq. Instead the compound of lies that were told have now cost us 1669
American soldiers, and cost Iraq’s over 20,000 civilian lives. On top of that,
Iraq is now in a far greater disarray with insurgent attacks hitting the news on
a daily basis.

We now also know that Al Queda has cells operating out of Iraq and are
actively recruiting there. This was not done during Saddam’s regime, as Osama
Bin Laden looked down upon the former Iraqi leader and felt he was not leading
his people in the proper ways of the Muslim world.

This means that with this new evidence coming out about our early plans to
invade Iraq, the President knowingly misled the members of Congress and the
people of this country. Further more, he aided our enemy in the war on terror by
opening up new recruiting and training grounds to him. The evidence keeps piling
up, but the jury isn’t listening yet. It is time for President Bush to be held
accountable for his war crimes and treasonous acts. Please write your
Congressman and Senator and urge action be taken so that we may start healing
our image in the world.

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