
NEW RULE: Terrorism is Not Partisan Politics!!

There is a growing debate in Washington of the distribution
of anti terrorism money to states. It seems that this has become another
familiar game in our Capital. The money is now being distributed to states, not
dependent upon their risk of terrorism, but their political allegiance.

New Jersey, who is a top risk for a terrorist attack
because of its miles of chemical factories and open ports, saw their homeland
security money cut. Was it because they had done such an excellent job at
protecting these high threat areas? No! Was it because the ports are so much
safer and the federal government is now protecting them? Hell No! Was it because
their Republican governor left office and now a Democrat is in the mansion?

Now I have read the Quran cover to cover. I am not a
Muslim, but I do feel in a time of war it is a good thing to know who you are up
against. It offers an overseen look into our enemy’s views. Now, not once in the
Quran did I see a mention of Jihad based upon political party. Basically if they
are going to blow someone up, then they are going to blow up who ever is around
that target. When was the last time you heard a suicide bomber say “OH! RNC you
can go before I blow!” The answer is never, but of course maybe our liberal
media doesn’t cover those facts.

The alarming fact is that Wyoming gets more than double the
money per capita that New Jersey does. Guess that is appropriate, I mean look
what McVeigh did with a truck load of cow shit and hay. WAKE UP CONGRESS!!! The
terrorists aren’t going to go commit a mass suicide bombing or terrorist attack
in Wyoming. They don’t care that it is Dick Cheney’s home state. They could pack
a car full of explosives, wipe out 3 city blocks, but only kill a couple heads
of live stock in Wyoming. That same bomber enters a chemical plant in New Jersey
however, look out! This could provide a total devastation to our eastern sea

American’s continue to say they do not feel safer at home
since 9/11 and right here is a good reason. Our leaders are too busy playing a
game of who is in whose club to worry about the non-partisan thinking
terrorists. THIS HAS GOT TO STOP! If you want to make American’s feel safer than
put the money where it is needed.

Republican Senator Orin Hatch of Utah even tried to argue
that his home state needed more money because they “are in the middle of the
Midwest”. When was the last time anyone actually considered Utah a target? Now I
do concede that during the Winter Games in 2002 it was a likely target, but that
was 3 years ago. Money should have been spent to protect Utah then but when the
risk was over so was the extra funding. Mr. Hatch I don’t know how to tell you
this but I will try. Your state is low on the totem pole of likely terrorist
targets. The only threat I can see to the Muslims that would make them want to
target your state is the Harems that are allowed there. Harems are for Muslims,
not Americans.

Now this is good to counter Karl Rove’s comments regarding
how liberals looked at the attacks of 9/11. Perhaps it would have been better
stated that “Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare
indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers” and
“Conservatives saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and said HEEHAW EASY
MONEY!!!!”. One quote in that statement is evidently true and I will give you a
hint – it’s not the first one!

Now I want to try to offer a voice of reason to the members
of Congress, particularly those that sit on the right side of the aisle. This
childish little game you are playing can cost lives It is not making our country
safer and even worse, it supporting all the conspiracy theorists plans that 9/11
was architected by the White House. If you expect to keep control of Congress
next fall then you better start worrying about the people who put you there –
the voters!

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