Raw Story
CBS News says Michael Brown rehired as
FEMA consultantCBS News’ Bob Schieffer just announced that the Federal Emergency
Management Agency has rehired ex-FEMA chief Michael Brown– as a consultant
to evaluate the agency’s response to the disaster!From CBS’s Katrina blog:
“Sept. 26, 2005 /6:44 p.m. (CBS)  CBS News correspondent Gloria Borger
reports that Michael Brown, who recently resigned as the head of the FEMA,
has been rehired by the agency as a consultant to evaluate it’s response
following Hurricane Katrina.”CBS says they’ve confirmed Brown had been rehired. Brown resigned after
taking heat when a Time Magazine article revealed that he had padded his
resume with bogus jobs.Brown had been shopping his resume in Washington, and one source close to
Brown told U.S. News’ Washington Whispers that his resum was “radioactive”
so soon after the Katrina debacle….
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