
Hannity Don't Care About Veterans

Via Media Matters

Hannity to guest: “I don’t care about
your thoughts” on Iraq veterans protesting the war

On the September 26 edition of Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes, co-host Sean
Hannity interrupted Global Exchange human rights director Ted Lewis’s
discussion of Iraq war veterans protesting the war. Hannity declared, “I
don’t care about your thoughts. You can tell them to [co-host] Alan [Colmes].”

From the September 26 edition of Fox News’ Hannity & Colmes:

HANNITY: Well, that’s pretty much what [anti-war protester] Cindy Sheehan
has been saying: America is not worth dying for, that it’s been taken over
by thugs. America without the Internet would be a fascist state. Are you
willing to align yourself with all that radical extremism?

LEWIS: Well, good evening, Sean.

HANNITY: Good evening.

LEWIS: You know, I saw kind of a different protest out there. There were
a lot of things going on. It really affected me to see so many Iraq veterans
out there marching in front of the White House, talking about their
experiences and why they’re disillusioned with this policy. You know, it’s

HANNITY: All right, Ted, I honestly, I’m not really — I don’t care about
your thoughts. You can tell them to Alan. I’m not asking you that.

Visit Media Matters
to view the clip of Chickenhawk Hannity and his hatred towards veterans
exercising the very rights they fought for.

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