
Neo-Cons Crumbling

FOX published an article today talking about people who previously were
staunch supporters of President Bush’s war in Iraq are now become critical of
decision made in it. From the article:

“There are people who view themselves on the Right, who were enthusiastic
supporters of the war, who are now greatly concerned that the Bush
administration or more in particular, the military, is losing its focus, its
heart, and isn’t fully committed,” Bacevich said. “I think Bill Kristol
(search) would be a good example of that.”

Kristol, a FOX News contributor and editor of the Weekly Standard,
advocated toppling Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein since the Sept. 11, 2001
attacks. But in the Aug. 15 edition of the magazine, Kristol accuses Defense
Secretary Donald Rumsfeld of “weakness and defeatism,” for lowering the
standards for success in Iraq and “emboldening” the enemy through his
commanders’ suggestion that U.S troops may come home as early as next spring
if Iraqi forces are trained to secure the country in that time.

He also continues to blame Rumsfeld for not putting more U.S troops into
Iraq at the start.

“The president knows we have to win this war. If some of his subordinates
are trying to find ways to escape from it, he needs to assert control over
them, overrule them or replace them,” Kristol wrote. “What the president
needs to do now is tell the Pentagon to stop talking about (and planning
for) withdrawal, and make sure they are planning for victory.”

This part really struck me as interesting. While we do hear about more and
more Bushies now questioning the President’s decisions, people need to look at
Kristol and wonder what is going on there.

Kristol is the chairman and co-founder of the
Project for the New American
, the same think tank who has been credited with pushing the idea of
invading Iraq. Ironically the other members of the PNAC included Donald Rumsfeld,
Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz. Ironic how the ones who came up with the idea to
push America into invading Iraq are now having arguments over the operation of
the war and the arguments are of such a magnitude they have been taken to the

Slowly we see the house of Neo-Conservatism crumble.


(to read the entire FOX article, click

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