
Poor Michael Brown

I just found this story and I think it proves even more that Michael Brown
was not the man for the job. From

Seattle Post-Intelligencer
(via Raw Story)

Brown sent candid e-mail to family


DENVER — Federal Emergency Management Agency Director Michael Brown sent
a candid e-mail to family and friends this week as he was becoming the
center of criticism of the handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

“I don’t mind the negative press (well, actually, I do, but I try to
ignore it) but it is really wearing out the family,” Brown wrote. “No wonder
people don’t go into public service. This country is devouring itself, the
24-hour news cycle is numbing our ability to think for ourselves,” the Rocky
Mountain News reported Saturday.

Brown was relieved of his command of the onsite relief efforts Friday
amid increasing criticism over the sluggishness of the agency’s response and
questions over his background.

“It’s horrible,” said Mary Ann Karns, an Oklahoma lawyer who once worked
with Brown in the Edmond, Okla., city government and got the e-mail
addressed. “He does not deserve this as a human being.”

Gee. Can there be any more proof out there that Michael Brown was not the
best fit person for the job. If you work for FEMA, a fire department or police
department one thing you can always be sure of is criticism. In an agency such
as FEMA that criticism will come from a national level and get a lot more
attention. Perhaps he should think twice before taking jobs that are saying
thanks for being a crony.

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