
Fitzgerald's Press Conference

Fitzgerald gave one of the longest press conferences I think I have ever
witnessed. Saying that, it was also very interesting. He could not get into many
details of the case and left many of us wondering what is still to come but he
did let us in on what is known.

He started off by saying that any investigation focuses on the facts and not
on any statue. This should put to rest all those rumors of him indicting on
“technicalities” and not the actual crimes. The fact is there was actual crimes,
those being the ones listed in the indictment. Later during his question and
answer time he also made response to what certain right wingers called this
being a “technicality” by saying that truth is the “engine of justice”.

He said that Valerie Plame’s identity as a CIA agent was classified and that
people close to her did not even know of her employment. He also mentioned how
this hurt our nation as a whole and could prevent the hiring of further CIA
agents who might question the protection of their identity.

While the grand jury has expired, Fitzgerald did mention that he still has
access to other Grand Jury’s should they be needed.

This story is far from over. This should prove an interesting weekend,
especially when it comes to the Sunday morning talk shows. Orin Hatch was
already on CNN trying to spin the situation with some of the same old talking
points that Valerie Plame was not covert and this charge is a technicality. I am
sure we will hear many new talking points by the end of the weekend.

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