
The Katrina Showdown – White House -v- Congress

Now that Brownie is totally out of FEMA, it appears that the investigation
into the Katrina Response might be heating up. Rep. Tom Davis who is chairing
the panel has threatened to issue subpoenas if the White House and other
agencies do not supply documents to the committee by Nov. 18.

The original request for the documents came in late September and had an
initial due date of Oct. 4. So far the only documents handed over have been
related to the budget and a few of Michael Brown’s emails.

The emails are the most curious of what has been turned over. They have made
their way into the press and do not paint a pretty picture for the management
style Brown was exhibiting during the disaster. His lawyer said a couple weeks
ago that only a few bad emails have come out and the good ones have not been
released yet. So is there really good ones? With all the bad press surrounding
the White House right now, you would think they would be quick to get some good
news out there. Since they are delaying and forcing possible legal action now,
it appears that the remaining documents are going to really incriminate people
involved in Katrina.

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