
Grassley's Questioning and Gonzalez's Moment Of Stupidity


Senator Grassley has just said he can not understand why their is no outcry
over the leaking of this program as compared to the outcry of the Valerie Plame
leak. Can this guy be serious or is a member of the judiciary committee that
blind to the law?

He also said that if hypothetically the program is proven wrong the member of
the group who was briefed on the program are also at fault. He fails to mention
that the briefings were sworn to secrecy and that members who have released
their letters to the public could only do so after they were censored for
national security issues.

He is also saying they are there today to make sure 9/11 doesn’t happen again
and that it has happened in London, Madrid, Bali. Funny how those are terrorist
issues unless they are talking about how good Bush is fighting the war, then
those don’t count. Grassley is still using the lives of Americans that were lost
on 9/11 for political reasons. I thought necrophilia was a crime? I guess raping
the memories of those people is alright though.

Gonzalez just said President Washington authorized electronic surveillance!
Can this guy be serious or is he that stupid! I know they are trying to justify
the program but when you got to make a case with that kind of historically false
information then you are losing your battle.

Another thing that gets me about his throwing Washington into the mix. We
hear all the time how it took the United States seven years to get a
constitution after the Revolutionary war and it should be amazing that Iraq has
done it in two years. Yes, during the Revolutionary war, we did not have a
constitution or laws. The bill of rights was not even a dream yet. Maybe next he
will say Judas used electronic surveillance to spy on Jesus!

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