
Who Is Winning In Iraq?

The LA Times has a very interesting article today that takes an in depth look
at the Middle East and who is really becoming victorious with the Iraq War:

The Islamic government in neighboring Iran watched with trepidation in
March 2003 when U.S.-led troops stormed Iraq to overthrow Saddam Hussein’s
regime and start remaking the political map of the Mideast.

In retrospect, the Islamic Republic could have celebrated: The war has
left America’s longtime nemesis with profound influence in the new Iraq and
pushed it to the apex of power in the region.

Emboldened by its new status and shielded by deep oil reserves, Tehran is
pressing ahead with its nuclear program, daring the international community
to impose sanctions. Iran is a Shiite Muslim nation with an ethnic Persian
majority, and the blossoming of its influence has fueled the ambitions of
long-repressed Shiites throughout the Arab world.

At the same time, Tehran has tightened alliances with groups such as
Hamas, which recently won Palestinian elections, and with governments in
Damascus and Beijing

Article continues


Bush says that “democracy is a gift from God”. Unfortunately he only thinks
of one God and there is a massive difference between his God and the God of the
Middle East. We are not going to change the way the Middle East operates and
attempting to do so by force is a big mistake. Instead we need to work with them
and come to an agreement where we can all share this planet together.

What this article really makes me think is that by Bush removing on of his
“axis of evils”, he has left the other two even stronger. That is not a great
approach to dealing with a so called problem. Iran is getting stronger and we
are getting weaker. When Bush says that a military strike against Iran is on the
table one can’t help but laugh. The only way that could be on the table is if we
decide to reinstate the draft and build our forces up. That will lead to a lot
of problems here at home.

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