
New warning to men over sex consent

Theres an interesyting debate opened up here in the UK (see report from Yahoo News below).  It is over guidelines and proposed changes to the law regarding rape. The guidelines say that a man must get consent from a woman prior to having sex. This is due to the increase in cases where women have been blind drunk nad the very next day woke up and gone to the police to say she was raped. There have been many cases that have been thrown out of court due to it basically being the woman decided she did not like the guy she had sex with or it’s a way of a married woman having an excuse for her husband… yes this does happen a lot.

Now, here’s the thing, your at a club, you start chatting to a girl, you get a bit horny with em as they do in return, you have to get consent to have sex..WTF!. Should we all carry a contract in our pockets… i think not. The only view I have on this is: If a woman seems very drunk and possibly does not know what she is doing (i know, no need to comment on that) then just don’t have sex with her. It’s an interesting debate

What do you think?

In an interview for BBC Radio 4’s File On Four, broadcast in part on Tuesday’s Today programme, Mr O’Brien said that redrafting the law would stop cases being thrown out by judges and increase the number of convictions.

He said: “It may be that the legislation needs some clarification, because these sorts of mistakes shouldn’t be being made.

“I do think that there have been cases in which some extremely well-qualified judges and barristers have taken a view on the law which was not the intention of Parliament.”

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