
When We Need Money

We raise the national debt. That measure was passed by Congress today and sent to Bush for his signature.

The Senate voted Thursday to allow the national debt to swell to nearly $9 trillion, preventing a first-ever default on U.S. Treasury notes.

The bill passed by a 52-48 vote. The increase to $9 trillion represents about $30,000 for every man, woman and child in the United States. The bill now goes to President Bush for his signature.

The measure allows the government to pay for the war in Iraq and finance Medicare and other big federal programs without raising taxes. It passed hours before the House was expected to approve another $91 billion to fund the war in Iraq and provide more aid to hurricane victims.

Wow. I am so glad the Bush economy is doing so well. This is that “trickle down” theory in action. Now that they have done this, perhaps it is time to cut taxes even more. Why should we worry about it? Let our children worry about the problem. Hell don’t we all have an additional $30,000 lying around – we should just send it in and pay off the debt.

It is apparent that this administration believes in some sort of mystical money tree that goes along with this divine creator who made the world in six days. This is truly the administration of fairy tales and the land of make believe. Of course now we need another Bill Clinton to come in and fix everything Bush and his gang-banging buddies in Congress have screwed up. Nice to know how “fiscally responsible” they truly are.

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