
Snow Officially Replaces McClellan

It is now official – Tony Snow will be moving into Scott McClellan’s office:

Fox News commentator Tony Snow was named White House press secretary today after top officials assured him that he would be not just a spokesman but an active participant in administration policy debates, people familiar with the discussions said.

A former director of speechwriting for President Bush’s father, Snow views himself as well positioned to ease the tensions between this White House and the press corps because he understands both politics and journalism, said the sources, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the appointment had not been officially confirmed, although an announcement is expected today.

I want to take a moment to clarify on the Storm Front article. There is some discussion that Tony Snow may not have written that article for Storm Front and instead they just put it up. I agree that is a great possibility. As matter of fact sites do that all the time but most respectable sites will also link to the place that they got the article or put a foot note that the article was originally written for so and so and appeared in whatever outlet.

Now all arguments aside. If Snow sat down and wrote the article and said to Storm Front “here publish this” or if they saw it on some other site and just copied it are pretty moot at this point. The fact remains that this article does appear on a site owned by a hate group. Considering that Bush is facing record low poll numbers and his party is in the fight of their life to retain control of Congress this fall, it would seem they wouldn’t want any ammo out there that could be used against them. The point being now that it would seem Tony Snow, the White House or one of their attorney’s would contact Storm Front, who has strong political ties, and ask them to have the article removed. You know – that might be a good job for Harriet Miers.

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