
A Horrible Move By The Republicans


Now think to yourself about why Osama became our enemy instead of our asset in the early 90’s as you read this:

Congressional Republicans killed a provision in an Iraq war funding bill that would have put the United States on record against the permanent basing of U.S. military facilities in that country, a lawmaker and congressional aides said on Friday.

The $94.5 billion emergency spending bill, which includes $65.8 billion to continue waging wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, is expected to be approved by Congress next week and sent to President George W. Bush for signing into law.

As originally passed by the House of Representatives, the Pentagon would have been prohibited from spending any of the funds for entering into a military basing rights agreement with Iraq.

Now do you remember why Osama turned against us? It was because once we entered the “holy land” we would not leave. That happened on the eve of the first Gulf War when we sent an envoy to Saudi to seek their permission to help fight off Saddam. He told his king and his followers it was a mistake because we would never leave.

Now we have proven him true and with this action will even prove it to those people in the Middle East who are sitting on the fence when it comes to following Saddam or following us. This is the worst strategic move we could make.

Funny when you think about the right wing pundits getting all pissy when Murtha speaks out against the war. “What kind of message is he sending to our enemies?” is the usual talking point. Well what kind of message did the Republican leadership just send to our enemies? Oh yeah – they sent a message that “hey Osama is right”. Good going guys.

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