
"Preparing Your Body For God"


The more times I read this stuff, the more I thank god I am an Atheist:

WASHBURN, Mo. – The minister of a rural Ozarks church, his wife and her two brothers have been accused of molesting young girls from their congregation for years, sometimes as part of a religious ritual, officials said.

The county prosecutor says the Rev. Raymond Lambert, 51, of Grand Valley Independent Baptist Church, repeatedly had sex with two underage girls with the help of his 49-year-old wife, Patty, according to court records.

For 10 years, the pastor told the girls, “We are preparing your body for service to God,” the prosecutor said.

Patty Lambert’s brothers — Paul Epling, 53, and Tom Epling, 51 — each are accused of repeatedly having sex with girls as young as age 4 in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

All four defendants face molestation and sodomy charges. Their attorney said they denied the allegations.

I wonder if they will get the hand slap like all the molesters from the Catholic church? What is really bad is how many people say Muslim people are a religion of hate and murder. Then what is Christianity – a religion of sexual perversion? Here’s an idea. Put Gitmo to good use. Take all these sick fuckers and lock them up down there.

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