
El Diablo – It Would Be Nice If The GOP Held Such High Standards As The Devil

This is from Brian Ross’ Blotter:

But according to an instant message provided to ABC News by a former page, Foley did make such an offer to a former page in April, 2003.

Maf54: then we can have a few drinks
Maf54: lol Teen: yes yes 😉
Maf54: your not old enough to drink
Teen: shhh….
Maf54: ok
Teen: thats not what my ID says
Teen: lol
Maf54: ok
Teen: i probably shouldnt be telling you that huh
Maf54: we may need to drink at my house so we dont get busted

The obvious point made here is that Foley’s lawyer did lie to reporters yesterday, and ABC has picked up on that. There is, however, a not so obvious point to be made.

Republicans have been claiming none stop that this was some Democratic plan to oust Foley. They have kept claiming that it was a Democrat who gave the information to Ross. Ross has denied that and this also proves it in one simple sentence – “But according to an instant message provided to ABC News by a former page”.

Now we have a right wing blogger getting ready to oust one of the page’s who came forward. What is this saying to our children? What kind of message is this? “If a Congressman makes advances to you online, accept them”. That is what it sounds like to me.

If the GOP wants any glimpse of salvation this fall then they must immediately denounce these claims and actions. If not, then it will prove, without a shadow of doubt, that the GOP stands for hurting children. This attack the messenger defense they are taking is a very dangerous alley to go down. What next? If a woman gets raped should she stay silent if it is a Republican member of Congress who does it? If a Republican member of Congress molests their child, then should that child stay silent? These page’s are the victims here. The GOP should have the decency to treat them as such, but instead they follow the same sick logic as Matt Drudge – that the children are at fault.

What Mark Foley did is sick, but at least he has admitted it and is probably the victim of some psychological illness that caused his horrible actions. What the Republicans are doing to defend themselves is down right deplorable. Here is something to think about Republicans – if you don’t like Chavez calling Bush the Devil, then perhaps your party should not act like the Devil.

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