
HASTERT: "Duhhhh I Don't Remember"

For wanting to be leaders, these idiots sure do have short term memory loss:

The House Republican campaign chairman, at odds with Speaker Dennis Hastert over when Hastert learned about ex-Rep. Mark Foley’s come-ons to teenage male pages, was questioned Tuesday by an ethics panel.

Rep. Tom Reynolds, R-N.Y., would not comment afterward on his repeated public assertions that he warned Hastert about Foley last spring. Hastert, R-Ill., says he first learned about Foley less than a month ago.

Hastert, expected to testify this week, has said he doesn’t recall the conversation.

After his closed-door testimony, Reynolds said, “I would only add a full and fair investigation of the facts is vital to ensuring the continued integrity of this institution, which is why I strongly encourage any of my colleagues who have information that may be of relevance to bring it to the committee’s attention at once.”

(emphasis mine)

So you are the leader of the House of Representatives. You are told that a member of the House is pursuing sexual relations with the very children the House you run is charged with keeping safe. To make matters even worse, that member if from your own party. To really add insult to injury, this is coming up with a mid-term election a year away – one that your very power is dependent upon. You don’t remember hearing about that? Dennis Hastert is a fucking moron, idiot and child predator enabler. If this is the level of competence the GOP wants from their leaders then they all need their asses kicked this fall. They also all need to be charged with complicity in Mark Foley’s games. Hell Hastert probably wishes he was in on the action with Foley.

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