
Newt Speaks


And it is garbage:

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Wednesday that Democratic sex scandals have been far worse than the suggestive Internet messages sent to teenage congressional pages by former Rep. Mark Foley.

Gingrich said Democrats have wanted to punish their offenders less than the GOP.

“What we don’t have to do is allow our friends on the left to lecture us on morality,” Gingrich said at a party fundraiser in Greenville. “There’s a certain stench of hypocrisy.”

Which scandals are far worse? Clinton? At least Monica was over 18 and willing. She wasn’t going “sick sick sick sick” about it.

Gerry Studds? It is amazing how the Republicans keep bringing up Studds and somehow suffer from Dan Crane amnesia. Remember, Crane was the Republican who was also busted during the scandal. The difference is Crane resigned and Studds didn’t. Also the voters decided to return Studds to office. Isn’t that democracy? They let the voters decide and not the politician’s. Notice how it is Republicans calling for Hastert to resign? Sounds like the Republicans still don’t trust the voters more.

How about Barney Franks? Yeah – because gay male prostitutes are so bad. Just ask Jeff Gannon who had free roam of the Bush White House, or ask Bush 41 about the late night parties involving male prostitutes, that occurred in the White House under his watch.

There’s your hypocrisy Newt, but if that isn’t enough there is always this.

Bill Maher brought up the clincher on Wolf Blitzer yesterday (video here). Which party is it who constantly tries to legislate “family values”? Oh yeah – it is the Republican party. It is YOUR PARTY Newt. Your party preaches to Americans about family and moral values. Well now we see that your party does not believe in that. If they did, then Mark Foley would be old news to more than just the Republican leadership.

The funniest part is that Newt also tries to say there are these old sex scandals, yet there is one big difference here. Those Democrat sex scandals were not criminal. They were not convicted of anything (even though your House, Newt, spent millions of dollars trying to pin something on Clinton). Foley – well it doesn’t look so good for him. 

So Newt – How is the wife?

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