
The Republicans Quiet Scare Tactic


Bush’s biggest problem is he lives in the past. He doesn’t realize this great new thing out there called the “internets” and exactly how powerful it is. Take for example when Bush tries to change his story and then lie about what he previously said:

Oops. Well I am sure that hasn’t happened before.

Oh well I guess it has. Our President isn’t just incompetent – he is a total moron. With someone this out of touch with reality and such an ambition to lie to the American people, don’t we require a Congress that will exercise the Constitutional mandate of oversight? Every single American deserves it. Our forefathers deserve it. Our nation deserves it. In 13 days we can change the course in our Nation and hopefully hold Bush accountable for his (in)actions.

I bring this up because the new GOP talking point (actually an old one rekindled) is that Democrats will take control and immediately start impeachment hearings into Bush. Democrats have been out saying that is not the case and I do believe them. I for one believe we should start immediate investigations and they lead us wherever.

The fact that Republicans are out there slinging this line of bullshit is an insult in itself. The Republicans could not wait to start their witch-hunt after Bill Clinton. They spent millions of tax payers dollars and countless hours of legislative time. There were over 50 congressional investigations into Bill Clinton. There have been none into George Bush. How many of our children died because of Clinton’s blow job? How many of our children have died because of Bush’s lies about Iraq? How many of our children have died because Bush was so drunk with pride that he could never once admit the course needed changed in Iraq?

The Republicans try to say that if we leave Iraq it would be a disservice to the memory of our fallen soldiers. Well if we continue to let Bush get away with his constant lies and lethal ignorance then we have the greatest disservice and disgrace to not only our fallen soldiers, but also those who died on the September 11th attacks. It is time for justice to be served and George Bush to answer for his decisions. The Republicans can complain all they want, but in the end it was their choice to ignore these problems that have lead us here. If George Bush is found guilty of some crimes then the Republicans in Congress are just as guilty as Bush is.

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