
Why Does George Allen Hate Democracy? (UPDATED)

While everyone is busy spinning and twisting what Kerry said, this story is growing even faster:

A Democratic activist who verbally confronted U.S. Sen. George Allen at a campaign rally in Charlottesville yesterday was shoved, put into a headlock and thrown against a window by three men wearing Allen stickers, according to a widely disseminated video of the incident.

W. Michael Stark, who identified himself in an e-mail after the incident as a University of Virginia law student, yelled a question at Allen (R) about whether he had ever spit on his first wife, an unsubstantiated charge that has been circulating on liberal blogs on the Internet. Allen supporters hauled him away from the senator as television cameras rolled.

“I demand that Senator Allen fire the staffers who beat up a constituent attempting to use his constitutional right to petition his government,” Stark wrote in an e-mail.

Charlottesville Police Lt. Gary Pleasants said Stark reported the incident yesterday and indicated that he wanted to press assault charges against the men. Pleasants said police are investigating and trying to determine the names of the Allen staffers involved.

“We will find out who the people are, give him the information and he can go to the magistrate and try to obtain a warrant for them,” Pleasants said.

(emphasis mine)

There you got it. We have a sitting United States Senator (who is a Republican) that now has a criminal investigation into assault by his own staff. The worst part is that the assault was because a consistent asked this Senator a question he did not like. Doesn’t this sound like something that would happen in another country – mmmmm say Iran? Yeah thats it. George Allen is now the same as the Islamic fundamentalists in his way of dealing with the public. So who will vote for Osama George Allen now?


Mike Stark has written a letter demanding Allen’s staffers be fired and is threatning charges against Allen himself. TPM Cafe has the letter.

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