
Bush and His War Mongers Losing Steam

Funny that when Biden says something like this, he gets chastised by the wingnuts. It will of course be different when you got a 2008 GOP Presidential hopeful saying it:

Republican presidential hopeful Sam Brownback said Thursday that Iraq must achieve a “political equilibrium” even if means partitioning the country along ethnic lines.

“I’m saying, and I hope the Iraqi leadership is hearing it: We will not face the American public in 2008 with a situation that looks anything similar to where we are today … American deployment of troops on the front line conducting the military operations,” the Kansas senator said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Brownback called for the United States to push more aggressively for a political solution, and said the message already is being clearly sent – “You, the Iraqis, will have to take this over.”

What next? I wonder if the Republicans will start saying they made the wrong decision in voting for the war.

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