
Malkin's Support Of Terrorism

In a post talking about the Bolton resignation on Hot Air (you know – Michelle Malkin’s other site), one of their commenters made an interesting comment:

Maybe after Bolton and his staff have vacated their offices, something could *happen* to the building.

Liberal Catnip uncovered this comment and also has the screen shots of it.

Considering we are less than a month from finding out that one of Malkin’s loyal followers was the person sending fake anthrax letters to numerous Democratic politicians as well as progressive personalities, I believe it is time for the government to put Malkin on the terrorism short list. Perhaps she knows something about a future attack, and of course Dick Cheney has told us the only way we would find out any information is through some alternative interrogation techniques. Perhaps Malkin should be sent down to Club Gitmo for a nice vacation of sleep deprivation and water boarding. She has worked hard to support these techniques, and if the tables were turned….

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