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John Edwards:

Two years after his hopes for a Democratic takeover of the White House were narrowly dashed, former vice presidential nominee John Edwards said Thursday that he is making another run at the presidency.

Edwards – who is calling for cuts in poverty, global warming and troops in Iraq – scheduled his kickoff in New Orleans, still devastated from last year’s Hurricane Katrina. He chose the site to highlight his signature concern of the economic disparity that divides America.

“I’m here to announce I’m a candidate for president of the United States,” Edwards sold NBC’s “Today Show” Thursday, one of three back-to-back interviews by the candidate on morning news shows. “I’ve reached my own conclusion this is the best way to serve my country.”

I have been waiting for this news, and couldn’t be happier (unless of course Gore decides to run). What would make this perfect is if Obama decided he would run with Edwards (think of an Edwards/Obama ticket). That could very well be possible, considering the number of activities they have been doing together latley. It would also ease the fears of people saying “Obama doesn’t have enough experience” and keep the Obama support with Edwards. That ticket would pretty much secure a Democratic White House in 2009.

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