
We get some Bushit next week!

Oh joy:

President George W. Bush will address a war-weary American public next week to “lay out a vision” for the U.S. role in Iraq as he tries to sell his strategy in the wake of a crucial report to Congress.

Heading home from an overseas trip on the eve of a political showdown over the unpopular war, Bush used his Saturday radio address to appeal for patience from Democratic lawmakers demanding a timetable for troop withdrawal.

Bush is under mounting pressure to change course in Iraq as top commander David Petraeus and U.S. Ambassador to Iraq Ryan Crocker prepare to testify about a troop buildup the president says is making progress but which critics call a failure.

“I urge the members of Congress to listen to these two well-respected professionals — before jumping to any conclusions,” he said.

I like how he wants Congress to listen to “two well-respected professionals”. The dumb fuck sure didn’t listen to well-respected professionals when they warned of the problems this war would bring. What an idiot.

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