
More From The Party Of Life

Because cronyism and profits always trumps life and pure ethics:

The private security firm Blackwater USA, which has faced mounting criticism following an incident earlier this month in which armed guards from the group purportedly killed 11 unarmed Iraqi civilians, has numerous links to the White House as well as many current and former Republicans.

The connections include the firm’s chief operating officer Joseph Schmitz, who was tapped by President Bush in 2002 to “oversee and police the Pentagon’s military contracts as the Defense Department’s Inspector General.”

And the Republicans think the Congress should allow the administration to investigate. Something about a wolf in a hen house comes to mind. Of course we also got Republicans issuing veiled threats against the investigation by Congress. As Atrios points out, Darrell Issa had this to say on C-Span this morning:

If Henry Waxman today wants to go to Iraq and do an investigation, Blackwater will be his support team. His protection team. Do you think he really wants to investigate directly?

If a Democrat said anything similar then you could bet the house on the fact the Republicans would be screaming about threats. But that doesn’t matter now. All the does matter is the money the GOP makes – no matter how many lives are lost getting it.

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