
Scientists Taking Complaints To Capital Hill

I think they are getting fed up:

Two dozen scientists swarmed over Capitol Hill this week mad as vespinae ( hornets) at what they say is Bush administration meddling in environmental science.

Organized by the Union of Concerned Scientists and the Endangered Species Coalition, the rumpled researchers won time in the offices of more than 20 lawmakers. They are protesting what Francesca Grifo, director of the Scientific Integrity Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists in Washington, calls “the systematic dismantling of the Endangered Species Act through the manipulation and suppression of science.”

On a dash from the House to the Senate, Grifo said the group wants hearings and better congressional oversight of the Interior Department, where Bush appointees control the fate of threatened and endangered species.

Bush has a long record of altering scientific data in the name of theological belief. It’s time for that practice to end. Hopefully some people will listen and take Bush to task on their dangerously flawed practices.

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