
Democrats Crush Republicans In Fund Raising

This has to be a warning sign to Republicans:

Democrats Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama out-raised the four Republican presidential candidates – John McCain, Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee and Ron Paul – $49.6 million to $42.2 million in the last three months of 2007, according to finance reports made public Thursday night.

So two of our candidates raised more than four of theirs. That is astonishing.

There is also another interesting number that came out today – how much Mitt spent of his own money:

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney loaned his campaign a total of more than $35 million in 2007, according to the most recent filings of campaign finance reports.

In the past quarter alone, the former Massachusetts governor pumped $18 million of his own wealth to financing his candidacy. That personal contribution helped bolster his fourth quarter fundraising total to $27 million, well beyond the $6.8 million raised by his competitor and GOP frontrunner, Sen. John McCain. The figures, it should be noted, were tallied at the end of December when the political dynamics were very much different.

I need to say something, which is based off of something Obama said last night. This is supposed to be Mr. Businessman. He basis his qualifications on having a great business mind. How great is that business mind when you have a $35 million investment that doesn’t pay off?

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