
Some More Thoughts On The Race

First off I got a new delegate tracker in the side bar. It’s based off of numbers from CNN. Going through everything, they seem to be the closest we will get to an accurate count.

The Clinton campaign has to be worried after yesterday. When you consider that she only won the popular vote by a small handful of votes, and the financial situation of the campaign, they are looking at an uphill struggle in the weeks to come. As matter of fact, the AP is reporting that the Clinton’s could dip into their own wealth now:

Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign, lagging far behind Barack Obama’s fundraising this year, expects to be outspent by Obama in upcoming Democratic nominating contests just as it was in Feb. 5 states, her strategists conceded Wednesday.

Officials with both campaigns have said Obama raised $32 million in January and that Clinton raised $13.5 million, a significant gap between the two that allowed Obama to place ads in virtually every Super Tuesday state and to get a head start on advertising in primaries and caucuses over the next week.

Needless to say this will probably be a necessity to keep going.

The biggest fear has to come from the Obama momentum. This has been going strong. Clinton was a clear front runner just last week, now not so much so. Obama is quickly catching up.

There has also been a lot of talk about super delegates today. Remember that these people are not committed to voting one way or another. If things continue to be this close after next month, I wouldn’t be shocked to see the DNC start pushing some to vote for the pledged delegate leader. That would be the wise decision. If one candidate is the most popular by the people, the party would be better off backing that person instead of letting a bunch of insiders pick someone else.

The next month is going to be very interesting, with the climax on May 4th, when Ohio votes (yes I finally get to vote). We have a lot of delegates in this state, and the momentum seems to be going towards Obama. A lot of pundits have said it might come down to Ohio again – I have to agree.

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