
The GOP Candidates Embraced Bush Wednesday Night


When asked about the economy, none of them (well except Ron Paul) would give Bush any blame for the economy. The spin machine was in full force trying to blame everyone else, but the person who voters traditionally blame. With the news of 17,000 jobs lost yesterday, that could really end up hurting the eventual GOP nominee:

For Republicans already facing an economic headwind, the jobs numbers could prove punishing. Traditionally, the party holding the White House is blamed for bad economic times — and credited for booms — and economists said yesterday that this year should be no different, even if GOP candidates continue to distance themselves from President Bush.

On everything involving the economy, the Republican have shown a disconnect with the American people and reality. Edwards would talk about the “two Americas” and Romney would blast him over it saying it’s not true. Guess what? With Americans loosing their jobs, prices soaring and the oil companies posting record profits, it shows there is two Americas. But let these Republicans continue their walk down the fantasy trail and it will guarantee. a President Clinton or President Obama

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