
GOP Funk

The GOP is still going through their post-mortem and trying to figure out just how they became so insignificant, which is leading to even more problems:

During a closed-door Republican Conference meeting on Tuesday, DeMint offered proposals to impose term limits on the Republican leader and to restrict how long members can serve on the Appropriations Committee. The resolutions were soundly defeated, but not without bitter exchanges among the Republicans present for the meeting.

Sen. Mel Martinez of Florida said the meeting was “terrible” and “caused consternation” among his colleagues because of the dispute over DeMint’s proposals.

Not sounding too hopeful for the party that just four years ago was going to be the “permanent majority”. Shockingly, one of the voices of reason seems to be coming from DeMint in this:

“We think the whole problem is George Bush and not us, and we’re part of the problem,” added Sen. Jim DeMint of South Carolina.

One solid first step would be to stop acting as the party of smears. The American people aren’t buying onto the old GOP catch phrases they try to paint their opponent with. Just four years ago, Liberal was considered an insult by many. Now more people are associating themselves with that name. Instead of engaging in the policy of pettiness, try to engage in actual policy. Forget being the “obstructionist” party, something even the GOP leaders applaud, instead learn to work with the controlling party.

The GOP has simply become a party of hypocrisy. Look at all the ethics problems that have plagued them over the past several years. They damn near want to have you executed for being an adulterer, yet they circle the wagons when one of their own is caught. And can switch adulterer out with other words like “gay”, “lesbian” or “drug user”.

Yesterday conservative columnist Kathleen Parker wrote an op-ed saying how the GOP should drop GOD. Her reasons were very sound. The GOP has never done anything to really stand beside the religious right, instead using them as a tool for victory. With control of our entire government for years, where is the ban on abortion, prayer in school and all the other issues so near and dear to the hearts of conservatives. Hell they didn’t even try. The GOP just used the religious right for their own gains then ignored them.

Speaking of broken promises, go back to the ‘Contract with America’ touted out by Newt Gingrich in 1994. How many of those points have been met? Fiscal responsibility? Nope. American Dream Restoration? I just spit out coffee laughing over that one. The GOP has made all these grand promises, and not even tried to deliver on any of them. Instead they get to Washington and ignore everything they said on the campaign trail.

Now let’s flip that around and look at Barack Obama. He’s not even President yet and already he is working to make good on his promises. Senate is quickly working on legislation to bring us universal healthcare and Obama’s pick for Health and Human Services Secretary proves that he is serious about it.

Let’s also look at the lack of seriousness they take in running for office. John McCain went out and picked a running mate who had absolutely no business being on the ticket. Yeah the hardcore Republicans like her because she can stoke a crowd, but when it comes to an actual resume that’s all she’s got. Katie Couric made her look like an absolute buffoon, and instead of having a moment of “oh shit” for the GOP, they quickly attacked the messenger. If Sarah Palin can’t stand up to the press, then how can she stand up to our adversaries?

Again on the flip side, Barack Obama picked someone who really wasn’t that popular amongst the American electorate. You can see that by Biden’s failed run for the Presidency. Biden is also considered a gaffe machine, and the right makes sure everyone knows about it. But Joe Biden does posses something that Sarah Palin didn’t – experience and knowledge. Democrats and Republicans all agree that when it comes to foreign policy, Joe Biden is one of the best. What field did Sarah Palin excel at, besides catch phrases and winks? None.

I don’t believe in Republican principals and don’t want to see them enacted. I am just relaying my thoughts I have gathered from talking to Republicans I know who are sick and tired of the GOP. They feel used by the GOP’s track record of broken promises. I know some that even voted for Obama just because it was change. Not change they believe in, but they argued that the status quo is not acceptable and at this point any change is better than none. That is the kind of information the GOP needs to consider as they chart their course for the future. They need to get back in touch with the American people, and not just those they think are “real America”.

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