
Tuesday Is D-Day For Lieberman


Joe_Lieberman This Tuesday is when Senate Democrats will vote on Lieberman’s fate, and that vote will be by secret ballot:

Senate Democrats will decide by secret ballot Tuesday whether to take away Sen. Joe Lieberman‘s chairmanship of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee — a post from which he oversees U.S. security issues, as well as the operations of a wide segment of the federal government.</p>The anger over Lieberman’s campaigning for the Republican presidential candidate is still boiling — fueled by memories of his undercutting Barack Obama, including in a nationally televised speech at the Republican National Convention.

I have been staying pretty much out of this, but I can’t wait to see the outcome. I personally think Lieberman should be told to get out, but don’t think that all the blogosphere’s energy should be spent on Joe. Hell we all know he is an attention whore, so he must be loving it.

The secret ballot plan is great. That way neither side can go after the opposing views. I would hate to see any senators targeted because of the way they voted, and that is something bound to happen. This way things stay hush hush and we find out the fate in two days.

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