
For Or Against Obama’s Iraq Plan?

The media is in a frenzy about the Democrats getting ready to “fight” President Obama on his Iraq plan. Of course they are – the media loves anything that might have to do with Democratic infighting.

Personally, I support Obama’s plan. Would I like to see all troops out next year? Of course. But I trust Obama. As matter of fact Obama has given us more reason to trust him than any other politician in history. In his first 40 days he has worked to deliver on an unprecedented amount of campaign promises. So since Obama hasn’t given me any reason to not trust him, I am going to take him for his word and judgment. If he really believes that we need 50,000 troops to remain, then we need that. I want what’s best for my country, not what best aligns with my own political belief.

Also just think back to Bush. Constantly Bush said he would listen to his commanders. For years now the commanders in Afghanistan have been yelling for more troops as that region continues to deteriorate. Bush ignored them, and now we got a bigger mess there then when we first entered that war. So the fact that Obama is proving that he is willing to listen and learn from our military leaders is a big bonus, and something we didn’t see in the past eight years.

But I also agree with the Democrats who are against this plan, and would rather see all our troops pulled out. It also makes me proud to be a Democrat.

Let’s compare this to the recent stimulus battle. Three Republican senators broke with their party to vote for the bill. Were they commended on serving their constituents or personal beliefs that got them elected? No. Instead they are facing punishment from their party.

So this goes back to my post earlier this week, where I talked about how the Republicans tent seems to be shrinking while the Democrats is getting bigger. The Republicans got into the boat they are in because of their refusal to break with Bush. It wasn’t until they started losing elections that they would let some light shine between them and the White House.

Democrats aren’t risking that. Instead they are allowing their own members to do what members of Congress should do – vote for their constituents, not their party.

So I welcome the fact that their might be a little bit of a rift between Democrats and the White House. It shows we have a party of individuals able to make their own decisions and stand on their own beliefs, and the party accepts that.

The Republicans have been going on for too long about “sticking together” and “party allegiance”. No matter what you consider the main factor in the Republicans’ recent losses at the polls, one thing is for certain – if the Republicans didn’t stick together so much they would be in a better place today. If the Republicans broke with Bush, instead of this faux allegiance to the man, they might even still control Congress, or at least be a much strong minority.

Our country is too diverse to divide into only two strict political beliefs. The Republicans just don’t get that.

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